
Rep. Rapp Comments on the Latest House Effort to Finalize the State Budget

Mar. 16, 2016  Download

Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth the supplemental budget legislation to address funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Kathy Rapp (R-Warren Forest & Crawford) said it is past time to complete the budget and she hopes the governor will not continue to hold these programs hostage.


Rep. Rapp Comments on Governor’s Budget Address

Feb. 09, 2016  Download

House lawmakers offered their reactions to Gov. Tom Wolf’s spending proposal for fiscal year 2016-17, which he announced today in an address before a joint session of the General Assembly. The governor’s budget plan would increase taxes on working Pennsylvanians and employers by $3.6 billion and spending by 10 percent, or $3 billion, and calls for $33.3 billion in total spending. To support his proposed spending plan the governor has proposed 15 new tax increases, including a retroactive increase in the Personal Income Tax on Pennsylvania workers.


Rep. Kathy Rapp Legislative Radio Report/Podcast

Jan. 28, 2016  Download

A new Legislative Report Program with Rep. Kathy Rapp (R-Warren, Forest, Crawford) is now available on the House Republican Radio News Service. You may use this brief public affairs report in its entirety or edit it down for actualities to use in your state government news coverage.


Rep. Kathy Rapp Legislative Radio Report/Podcast

Jan. 14, 2016  Download

A new Legislative Report Program with Rep. Kathy Rapp (R-Warren, Forest, Crawford) is now available on the House Republican Radio News Service. You may use this brief public affairs report in its entirety or edit it down for actualities to use in your state government news coverage.