Jan. 28, 2025
HARRISBURG — Rep. Kathy L. Rapp (R-Warren/Crawford/Forest) today announced a $140,000 Watershed Restoration Protection Program grant has been awarded for a Tionesta Creek stabilization project in Kingsley Township, Forest County.
The Watershed Restoration Protection Program, which is one of several Marcellus Legacy Fund programs established under Act 13 of 2012, funds projects that restore or maintain restored stream reaches impaired by the uncontrolled discharge of nonpoint source polluted runoff. The goal is to ultimately remove these streams from the Department of Environmental Protection’s Impaired Waters list.
“I’m pleased to support this project, which will reduce sediment loads entering the Tionesta Creek,” Rapp said. “The creek is a key component to our region’s economy as Cook Forest State Park drives the tourism industry. In addition, a healthy Tionesta Creek is important to water quality for residents and visitors.”
The project will restore about 1,800 feet of Tionesta Creek streambank by re-establishing vegetation along the bank and improving drainage to Creek Road. Ice and flood waters have caused a loss of vegetation and slope stability, leading to erosion of the roadway shoulder.
Representative Kathy Rapp
65th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives