Aug. 14, 2018

WARREN — Rep. Kathy Rapp (R-Warren/Crawford/Forest) is extending a special invitation to all dedicated first responders across the 65th District to attend her upcoming Emergency Services Seminar on Thursday, Aug. 23.

This FREE informational event will be held at the Garland Volunteer Fire Department, 31 Bailey Lane, Garland, beginning at 6 p.m.

“Our volunteer fire and EMS companies provide valuable services at very little cost to taxpayers,” said Rapp. “Yet these brave men and women continually struggle to afford the equipment, training and facilities needed to protect our communities and save lives. During this special program, we will discuss the needs of the fire and emergency medical services community, upcoming legislation impacting emergency responders, grants, shared services and much more.”

District 65 emergency responders are encouraged to invite their entire organization to attend this seminar; however, seating is limited. Please RSVP by Monday, Aug. 20, to Rapp’s Warren district office at (814) 723-5203.

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Representative Kathy Rapp
65th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 814.723.5203 /
